Gray Inc.

Gray Inc. 2023 - Monthly Status Report


I’m happy to share our revamped Monthly Status Report (MSR). Moving forward, we will begin sharing monthly updates in this format. I won’t repeat the information below, but please allow me to highlight a few items:

  • Leadership and Learning: Both Gray Inc. and Gray Construction Leader Academies are progressing nicely. We also launched the Frontline Leaders Course, led by my good friend and Horizon teammate, Jeff Zurcher.
  • March saw a host of Project/Site Team engagements including Gulfstream, AFG, and QCells.
  • Excited to introduce the Team Temperature Check, a Horizon-designed team assessment open to all field and staff teams in the Gray Inc. family of companies. We are using the four Site Manager Outings to share the tool with key Site Managers.
  • Outstanding Discovery and Design process with InLine. Gregg and his team have done an exceptional job incorporating recommendations into InLine’s Strategic Plan. We’ve started the Discovery process with ADPE.
  • Helped facilitate offsite retreats with Gray Construction, Gray Solutions, and Gray Southeast.

Thank you for your continued trust and the opportunity to help develop Gray leaders! TEAMS!

My Best, Jason

Leadership and Learning

Gray Inc. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 2 of 4 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Gray Const. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 6 of 9 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Gray Frontline Leader Course (x2)

  • Course Progress
  • 1 of 6 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


ADI Frontline Leader Course

  • Course Progress
  • 3 of 4 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Professional Services

Gray Inc.

Current Month


Next Month

  • Apr 24-27: Gray Fusion Support

Gray Const.

Current Month

  • Mar 13-14: Gulfstream Project AAR & Team Temperature Check (TTC)
  • Mar 15: Site Managers Outing – Guntersville, AL
  • Mar 20: Groot Site Team Kick-off Meeting and into to TTC
  • Mar 27: Redeemer Project Team Workshop
  • Mar 28-29: Q1 Planning Session

Next Month

  • Apr 12-13: Gray Southeast Office Outing
  • Apr 18: Gray Southwest Session #3 – Leading in Context – Fullerton, CA
  • Execute TTC – Leadership Team & Field Ops

AD Process Equipment

Current Month

  • Coordination with Neil O’Mara to initiate Organizational Assessment

Next Month


Another solid month of impact across the organization. From Charlotte to Fullerton and a lot between, I continue to be encouraged by the young leaders across Gray. There are challenges to be sure – challenges brought about by progress, growth, and success. But there is also commitment and resolve, and for that, I am thankful.

Of note this month, we will be taking our next Gray Construction Leader Academy session to the AFG job site in St. Louis…a first for us. Behind the scenes we are preparing for a mid-year launch of the Leader Foundations Course. This would be a virtual offering available through Gray-U. Moreover, I will be working with our team, along with Susan and Stephen, on a senior leader Individual Development Plan (IDP). More to follow in the weeks to come.  

Leadership and Learning

Gray Inc. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 3 of 4 Sessions Complete

Next session:


Gray Const. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 7 of 9 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Gray Frontline Leader Course (x2)

  • Course Progress
  • 2 of 6 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


ADI Frontline Leader Course (Cohort 1)

  • Course Progress
  • 3 of 10 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Professional Services

Gray Const.

Current Month

  • Apr 12-13: Gray Southeast Office Outing – Sylacauga, AL
  • Apr 18: Gray Southwest Session #3 – Leading in Context – Fullerton, CA
  • Apr 17: Team Temperature Check overview with Jamie Patterson
  • Apr 24-25: Gray Fusion Support
  • Apr 28: Initiate Team Temperature Check – Field Ops

Next Month

  • May 1: Initiate Team Temperature Check – Executive Leadership Team
  • May 9-10: Site Manager Outing – Charlotte, NC
  • May 31 – June1: Gray Advanced Technology Market Business Plan Development – Fullerton, CA
  • Executive Coaching – Jeremy Payne

Anderson Dahlen Inc.

Current Month

  • Apr 28: Leader Transition Planning – assisting with organizational planning in preparation of transition from Tom to Jon.
  • Design Report (Supplemental) review and approval.

Next Month

  • May 11: Site visit #4
  • Initiate Cohort 2 – Emerging Leaders Course

InLine Engineers

Current Month

  • April 12: Met with the InLine leadership team to review findings from the Discovery Phase, plan next steps in the 3DOA process, and foster alignment.

Next Month

AD Process Equipment

Current Month

  • Coordination with Neil O’Mara to begin the ADPE Organizational Assessment.

Next Month

  • Discover Phase – begin documentation review and set-up meetings and interviews.


Below is the MSR for May. Also, I’m working with Aaron on edits to the first draft on the Senior Leader IDP. More in the next couple weeks. 

Susan…of note for Gray Inc., the ADPE Discovery Process is underway. Will keep you posted as we progress.

TEAMS, Jason

Leadership and Learning

Gray Inc. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 3 of 4 Sessions Complete

Next session:


Gray Const. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 8 of 9 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Gray Frontline Leader Course (x2)

  • Course Progress
  • 3 of 6 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


ADI Frontline Leader Course (Cohort 1)

  • Course Progress
  • 4 of 10 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Professional Services

Gray Const.

Current Month

  • May 1: Initiated Team Temperature Check – Executive Leadership Tea
  • May 8: Barnhart Crane & Rigging meeting – Memphis, TN
  • May 9-10: Site Manager Outing – Charlotte, NC
  • May 11: Initiated Team Temperature Check – Project Frasier PM and Site Team
  • May 25: Reviewed Team Temperature Check Results with Field Ops (Kendall)
  • May 31 – June1: Gray Advanced Technology Market Business Plan Development – Fullerton, CA

Next Month

  • Review Team Temperature Check Results – Executive Leadership Team
  • Review Team Temperature Check Results – Project Frasier PM and Site Team
  • June 7: Executive Coaching #1 – Jeremy Payne

Anderson Dahlen Inc.

Current Month

  • May 11: Site Visit #4
  • May 12: Initiated Cohort 2 – Emerging Leaders Course

Next Month

  • June 29: Site Visit #5
  • Leader Transition Planning – assisting with organizational planning in preparation of transition from Tom to Jon.

InLine Engineers

Current Month

Next Month

  • June 22: Support of InLine Directors Meeting

AD Process Equipment

Current Month

  • Discover Phase – begin documentation review and set-up meetings and interviews.

Next Month

  • June 1: Kickoff Meeting
  • June 6: Begin Team Member interviews – Discovery


I hope you’ve been able to enjoy some time off (or in the near future). We were able to visit Hilton Head the last week of June.

Below is the Monthly Status Report. I’ll be in Colorado next week for the Site Manager’s Outing. ADPE Discovery Brief is scheduled for July 20th. 



Leadership and Learning

Gray Inc. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 4 of 4 Sessions Complete Coordinating for Fall 2023 Session Start

Next session:

Fall 2023 TBD

Gray Const. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 9 of 9 Sessions Complete Coordinating for Fall 2023 Session Start

Next Session:

Fall 2023 TBD

Gray Frontline Leader Course (x2)

  • Course Progress
  • 3 of 6 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


ADI Frontline Leader Course (Cohort 1)

  • Course Progress
  • 5 of 10 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Professional Services

Gray Const.

Current Month

  • May 31 – June1: Gray Advanced Technology Market Business Plan Development – Fullerton, CA
  • June 7: Executive Coaching #1 – Jeremy Payne
  • June 9: Review Team Temperature Check Results – Executive Leadership Team
  • June 23: Review Team Temperature Check Results – Executive Operations Team

Next Month

  • Review Team Temperature Check Results – Project Team Anchorage
  • July 11-12: Support Gray Southwest SMO, CO
  • July 13: Executive Coaching #2 – Jeremy Payne
  • July 31 – Aug 3: Support Gray Fusion
  • Ongoing: Senior Leader IDP

Anderson Dahlen Inc.

Current Month

  • June 29: Site Visit #5
  • Leader Transition Planning – assisting with organizational planning in preparation of transition from Tom to Jon.

Next Month

InLine Engineers

Current Month

  • June 22: Support of InLine Directors Meeting

Next Month

AD Process Equipment

Current Month

  • June 1: Kickoff Meeting
  • June 6: Begin Team Member interviews – Discovery
  • June 9: Initiated Climate Survey and Culture 21 Assessment- Discovery

Next Month

  • July 20: Discover Report Presentation

Leadership and Learning

Gray Inc. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 4 of 4 Sessions Complete Coordinating for Fall 2023 Session Start

Next session:

Fall 2023 TBD

Gray Const. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 0 of 9 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Gray Frontline Leader Course (x2)

  • Course Progress
  • 3 of 6 Sessions Complete

Next Session:

Jeff Z. Coordinating dates with Steven H.

ADI Frontline Leader Course (Cohort 1)

  • Course Progress
  • 5 of 10 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Professional Services

Gray Const.

Current Month

  • July 6: Review Team Temperature Check Results – Project Team Anchorage
  • July 11-12: Support Gray Southwest SMO, CO
  • July 13: Executive Coaching #2 – Jeremy Payne
  • July 31 – Aug 3: Support Gray Fusion
  • Ongoing: Senior Leader IDP (Reviewed with Brian Jones and Rudy Olivo

Next Month

  • August 7: Team Temperature Check Results – Food & Beverage Leadership Team
  • August 9-10: Advanced Tech Market Strategy Support
  • August 15: Executive Coaching #3 – Jeremy Payne
  • August 21-23: Gray Construction ELT Conference Prep and Support

Gray Solutions

Current Month

July 21: Manager Training

Next Month

Anderson Dahlen Inc.

Current Month

Next Month

  • August 15: Leader Transition Planning – assisting with organizational planning in preparation of transition from Tom to Jon.

AD Process Equipment

Current Month

Next Month

  • August 3: Discover Report Presentation


August was an outstanding month…capped off with the ELT/EOT Retreat. I am continuing the work with Stephen Hunt to refine the Performance Management Strategic Plan.

Susan…just need to discuss/confirm Gray Inc. Leader Academy dates. Stephen has done a great job vetting Gray Construction nominees…specifically ensuring we are identify the “right” operational level leaders. Let me know if you have any questions on the information below or need anything else from me.



Leadership and Learning

Gray Inc. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 0 of 4 Sessions Complete Coordinating for Fall 2023 Session Start

Next session:

Fall 2023 TBD

Gray Const. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 0 of 9 Sessions Complete

Next Session:

October 2023

Gray Frontline Leader Course (x2)

  • Course Progress
  • 3 of 6 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


ADI Frontline Leader Course (Cohort 1)

  • Course Progress
  • 5 of 10 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Professional Services

Gray Const.

Current Month

  • August 7: Team Temperature Check Results – Food & Beverage Leadership Team
  • August 9-10: Advanced Tech Market Strategy Support
  • August 15: Executive Coaching #3 – Jeremy Payne
  • August 21-23: Gray Construction ELT Conference Prep and Support
  • Ongoing: Senior Leader EDP (Reviewed with Brian Jones and Rudy Olivo)

Next Month

  • September 5: Gray Southwest Leadership Training (4 of 4)
  • September 15: Executive Coaching #4 – Jeremy Payne
  • September 19-20: SMO – Barren River, KY
  • Ongoing: Performance Management Strategic Planning w/Stephen Hunt

Anderson Dahlen Inc.

Current Month

  • August 15: Leader Transition Planning – assisting with organizational planning in preparation of transition from Tom to Jon.

Next Month

  • September 14: Frontline Leader Course (Aaron Peck) Session 6 of 10.
  • Retreat planning with Jon Nordrum

InLine Engineers

Current Month

Next Month

  • September 6: Quarterly Directors Meeting (Aaron Peck) – Atlanta Office

AD Process Equipment

Current Month

  • August 3: Discover Report Presentation (Aaron Peck)

Next Month

  • Finalize Delivery Plan

Leadership and Learning

Gray Inc. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 0 of 4 Sessions Complete Coordinating for Fall 2023 Session Start

Next session:

Fall 2023 TBD

Gray Const. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 0 of 9 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Gray Frontline Leader Course (x2)

  • Course Progress
  • 4 of 6 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


ADI Frontline Leader Course (Cohort 1)

  • Course Progress
  • 6 of 10 Sessions Complete

Next Session:


Professional Services

Gray Const.

Current Month

  • September 5: Gray Southwest Leadership Training (4 of 4)
  • September 19-20: SMO – Barren River, KY
  • September 21: Executive Coaching #4 – Jeremy Payne
  • September 25: Project Team Anchorage TTC #2
  • Performance Management Strategic Planning w/Stephen Hunt

Next Month

  • October 10: Performance Management Exchange & Demo
  • October 27: Gray Annual Meeting
  • Project Team Anchorage TTC #2 review
  • Ongoing: Performance Management Strategic Planning w/Stephen Hunt

Gray Solutions

Current Month

Next Month

  • October 18: Gray Solutions Leadership Event

Anderson Dahlen Inc.

Current Month

  • September 14: Frontline Leader Course (Aaron Peck) Session 6 of 10.
  • Retreat planning with Jon Nordrum

Next Month


InLine Engineers

Current Month

  • September 6: Quarterly Directors Meeting (Aaron Peck) – Atlanta Office

Next Month


Leadership and Learning

Gray Inc. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 0 of 4 Sessions Complete


Jason Cummins

Next session:


Gray Const. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 1 of 9 Sessions Complete


Jason Cummins

Next Session:


Gray Frontline Leader Course (x2)

  • Course Progress
  • 5 of 6 Sessions Complete


Jeff Zurcher

Next Session:


ADI Frontline Leader Course (Cohort 1)

  • Course Progress
  • 6 of 10 Sessions Complete


Aaron Peck

Next Session:


Professional Services

Gray Const.

Current Month

  • October 10: Performance Management Exchange & Demo – Stephen Hunt
  • October 26: Executive Coaching #5 – Jeremy Payne
  • October 27: Gray Annual Meeting
  • October 30: Executive Coaching #1 – Josh Murtaugh
  • October 31: Project Team Anchorage TTC #2 Review w/Mike Pflederer

Next Month

  • November 13: Gray Fusion Ethical Decision Making
  • Ongoing: Performance Management Strategic Planning w/Stephen Hunt

Gray Solutions

Current Month

  • October 18: Gray Solutions Manager Training – St. Louis, MO

Next Month


Anderson Dahlen Inc.

Current Month

Next Month

  • November 9: Frontline Leader Course Session 7 of 10 (Aaron Peck)

InLine Engineers

Current Month

  • October 19&20: Transition Planning with Gregg Coleman and Mike Jacob (Aaron Peck)

Next Month

  • November 14-15: Directors Meeting (Aaron Peck)

Leadership and Learning

Gray Inc. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 1 of 4 Sessions Complete


Jason Cummins

Next session:


Gray Const. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 2 of 9 Sessions Complete


Jason Cummins

Next Session:


Gray Frontline Leader Course (x2)

  • Course Progress
  • 6 of 6 Sessions Complete


Jeff Zurcher

Next Session:

Graduation on 11/28/2023

ADI Frontline Leader Course (Cohort 1)

  • Course Progress
  • 7 of 10 Sessions Complete


Aaron Peck

Next Session:

1/11/2024 (T)

Professional Services

Gray Const.

Current Month

  • November 13: Gray Fusion Ethical Decision Making
  • Ongoing: Performance Management Strategic Planning w/Stephen Hunt

Next Month

  • December 01: Executive Coaching #6 – Jeremy Payne
  • Execute Team Temperature Check: Project Super X
  • Ongoing: Performance Management Strategic Planning w/Stephen Hunt

Anderson Dahlen Inc.

Current Month

  • November 9: Frontline Leader Course Session 7 of 10 (Aaron Peck)

Next Month

  • January 11 (T): Frontline Leader Course Session 8 of 10 (Aaron Peck)

InLine Engineers

Current Month

  • November 14-15: Directors Meeting (Aaron Peck)

Next Month


Leadership and Learning

Gray Inc. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 1 of 4 Sessions Complete


Jason Cummins

Next session:


Gray Const. Leader Academy

  • Course Progress
  • 3 of 9 Sessions Complete


Jason Cummins

Next Session:


Gray Frontline Leader Course (x2)

  • Course Progress
  • 6 of 6 Sessions Complete


Jeff Zurcher

Next Session:

Graduation on 11/28/2023

ADI Frontline Leader Course (Cohort 1)

  • Course Progress
  • 7 of 10 Sessions Complete


Aaron Peck

Next Session:

1/11/2024 (T)

Professional Services

Gray Const.

Current Month

  • December 01: Executive Coaching #6 – Jeremy Payne
  • December 11: Executive Coaching #2 – Josh Murtaugh
  • Ongoing: Performance Management Strategic Planning w/Stephen Hunt

Next Month

  • Executive Coaching: Payne, Murtaugh
  • January 4: Project Team Appraisal Process – Review with Stephen Hunt, Patrick McCowan, and Field Ops.
  • Abdul: Vector 360
  • Project Lego JV Team Coordination Mtg – Richard Edwins
  • Team Temperature Check: Project Super X
  • Ongoing: Performance Management Strategic Planning w/Stephen Hunt

Gray Solutions

Current Month

Next Month

January 17: Leadership Training Coordination


Anderson Dahlen Inc.

Current Month

Next Month

  • January 11 (T): Frontline Leader Course Session 8 of 10 (Aaron Peck)