SWCS - Monthly Status Report

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $731,383.26 of $770,599.92

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,039 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 37 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • Completed BODA configuration.  Standing by final approval from 7 SFG.
  • Completed valex surveys.  Standing by final approval from  7 SFG.
  • Monitored system latency issues and assist with troubleshooting/fix implementation.  Transferred expressions to custom sql scripting to reduce processing.
  • Worked on rebuilding 38 Series Phase 1 template. Started 38 Series Phase 2 ISAP changes in template.
  • Created separate reports and eliminated the parameters for some reports for Robin Sage.
  • Refined 37A and 37F template redesigns as needed. Added report to “rack and stack” students based on ISAP parameters to determine academic achievements to the 37F and 37A courses. Tested for accuracy and received client approval. Eliminated man hours when processing data for filling out 1059 forms in another system.
  • Met with LREC. Demonstrated capabilities and determined template needs.
  • Tested and fixed bypassing functions in SQL scripted variables on stand alone with CAAS class. Need to upgrade to to implement. Should reduce strain on system.
  • Reconfigured Patrolling Gradebook reports for SUT. Custom SQL for everything. Cut load time from 2 minutes 8 seconds to 1 minute 12 seconds. Will look at scripting some of the DDG elements to combine them and hopefully reduce that time further. Report contains 172 Detail
    Data Grids.
  • Upgraded to last night. Contained fix for PDF export (bar graphs not populating) for the Psychs. Had to roll back to due to IIS issues. See below.
  • Started to standardize the DA4856 counseling form survey and report IOT package it and put it in all courses. New DA4856 form will drive additional changes.
  • Submitted upgrade for Pulled request due to IIS issues. See below.
  • Met with 18D, 38W, and SOCM. They are ready to conduct peers, counselings, and end of course critiques in Gideon. Waiting for ISAPs and examples.

Upcoming Month Activities

  • Continue to find expressions/functions and replace with custom scripted elements.
  • Build SWMG report for accountability validation.
  • SERE course manager training July 12.
  • SLUSS TILLER pilot course starts July 10.
  • Start SFMS template.
  • Standing by option year execution and PWS update.


NEW – IIS issues.  IIS locked up 3x in one week since upgrading from to Requested G6 to roll back to Pulled the request to upgrade to No plans to upgrade in the future until these issues are resolved.

CARRY OVER – server latency has caused numerous user issues.  G6 increased resources allocated.  GideonSoft developers and administrators engaged with G6 to help troubleshoot and identify possible solutions to latency issues.  Weekly meetings occurred with all parties.  After resources increased, latency issues improved.  Will continue to monitor and address issues throughout the summer and when ARSOF A&S begins in the fall.

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $770,599.92 of $770,599.92

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,122 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 37 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • Imported 38 Series Phase 1 template into the SIE.
  • Rebuilt 38 Series Phase 2 template.
  • Trained 18D committee on new template.
  • Rebuilt Physical Fitness variables, spreadsheets and reports for the new SWCS standards.
  • Worked on 18C template rebuild. Assisted with first peer conducted in GideonSoft.
  • Trained new Psych on overlord permission capability.
  • Set up new feature to automatically change statuses in the Persistent Module IAW the status change in an instance.
  • Met with SERE, S3, and ATRRS to develop a better way to import students into their classes.
  • Built SWMG report for accountability validation.
  • SLUSS TILLER pilot course started July 10.
  • SERE course manager trained on July 12.
  • Started SFMS template.
  • Worked on dashboard script. Needed to adjust data that are showing in the dashboard. Assisted in updating PowerBI.
  • Exported data for Psychs (SFAS, CAAS, and POAS classes 007-23)
  • Cleaned fields in the persistent and global level and synced them.
  • Upgraded to
  • Worked on resolving IIS issues. (See Issues/Remarks)

Upcoming Month Activities

  • Standing by option year execution and PWS update.
  • Pull data for Psych RFI. “How many selected graduated the qualification course?”
  • Import completed 38 Series Phase 2 template into SIE.
  • Continue to find expressions/functions and replace with custom scripted elements.
  • Continue 18C rebuild.
  • Work on dashboard SQL script and dashboard design.
  • Provide new PM (Don Grimsley) a site visit and meeting.
  • Students are now capable of updating certain fields in the global profile without needing access to the persistent module (Student Management Module). Need to train TACs/S1/S3 on this capability.
  • Continue working to resolve IIS and latency issues.


CARRY OVER – IIS issues and server latency.  Horizon Tech Advisor identified changes to make to the IIS settings. GideonSoft software developer released software patch to resolve GetFilteredScore issues.   Discovered that nightly replication of the database (for PowerBI reporting) may be the root cause of the issues.  Horizon team is drafting short term fixes until Horizon and G6 can identify a permanent fix.

Will continue to monitor and address issue throughout the summer and when ARSOF A&S begins in the fall.

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $339,999.33 of $779,991.96

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,227 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 38 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • Received contract to execute OY1.
  • Worked on SWCS Dashboard data, SQL scripts, and PowerBI designs.
  • Worked on 38 Series Phase 1 refinements based on last weeks meeting with Civil Affairs.
  • Met with SFPC new course manager and developing concept of adding features to enhance operations.
  • Built SUT PIC Dashboard data SQL scripts and PowerBI designs and submitted for approval.
  • Corrected problems for numerous courses as well as the student management module.  (e.g., importing students, variable calculations)
  • Met with SERE, S3, and ATRRS to develop a better way to import students into their classes.
  • On-boarded new instructors at 1st BN to GideonSoft.
  • Developed “How To” videos for student management module.
  • Met with the G6 and continued resolving IIS issues. (See Issues/Remarks)

Upcoming Month Activities


  • Continue to find expressions/functions and replace with custom scripted elements.
  • Continue 18C rebuild.
  • Work on dashboard SQL script and dashboard design.
  • Provide new PM (Don Grimsley) a site visit and update on support operations.
  • Train 4th BN TACs on Student Management Module
  • Students are now capable of updating certain fields in the global profile without needing access to the persistent module (Student Management Module). Need to train TACs/S1/S3 on this capability.
  • Based on meeting with G6, latency may be linked to replication database to a reporting server.  Follow-on meetings are scheduled to refine COAs.


CARRY OVER – IIS issues and server latency.  Horizon Technical Advisors and the G6 have potentially identified the root cause.  Follow-on meetings, testing and development of COAs will be forthcoming.  Based on initial discussions, the Horizon team is drafting short term fixes until a permanent solution has been identified.

Will continue to monitor and address issue throughout the summer and when ARSOF A&S begins in the fall.

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $39,999.33 of $779,991.96

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,759 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 38 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • Tested SF specific features in new release (23.2).
  • Met and supported psychologists with new CAAS class.
  • Continued to develop new TDY Student Management module in the SF “test” sandbox.
  • Conducted numerous meetings with Horizon Software Engineer and G6 personnel regarding legacy latency problems.
  • Conducted meetings with 4th BN S3 and created a Relief Board module (COR approved) / testing will continue.
  • Continued to work on dashboard SQL script and dashboard design.
  • On-site team continues to create “How to Videos.”
  • Trained 38 Series Phase 1 overlords and course managers on importing people, and the general use GideonSoft software.
  • Began the implementation of  new fields and Status Tags to the Student Management Module, as requested.

Upcoming Month Activities


  • Continue to develop the dashboard SQL script and design.
  • Continue to test SF specific features in the new GideonSoft release.
  • Coordinate meetings with CAAS and POAS managers to discuss Selection Out-Counseling reports and dashboards.
  • Coordinate meetings with BLC Wednesday to demo/discuss new surveys and reports.


CARRY OVER – IIS issues and server latency.  Horizon Technical Advisors and the G6 have identified the root cause – replication of the database to a reporting server database. G6 is looking into some short term solutions.  Meanwhile, Horizon rep will continue to manually turn off the processing of variable data during the replication period to alleviate potential issues.

Follow-on meetings, testing and development of COAs will be forthcoming.  Based on initial discussions, the Horizon team is drafting short term fixes until a permanent solution has been identified.

Will continue to monitor and address issue.

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $399,998.63 of $779,991.96

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,899 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 38 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • Upgraded to
  • Refined Start/Stop rosters for the SWCS G37 (95% solution)
  • Worked on BLC template refinement.
  • Demonstrated new ATRRS start/stop roster report to the G37.
  • Supported Psychs and built a new survey and report for SFAS for implementation.
  • Conducted numerous meetings with Horizon Software Engineer and G6 personnel regarding legacy latency problems.
  • Met with personnel involved in migrating Gideon to the CARMY cloud
  • Continued to work on dashboard SQL script and dashboard design.
  • On-site team continues to create “How to Videos.”
  • Continued building the Special Warfare Psyop’s template,
  • Continued implementation of  new fields and Status Tags to the Student Management Module.

Upcoming Month Activities


  • Continue to develop the dashboard SQL script and design.
  • Continue to test SF specific features in the new GideonSoft release.
  • Coordinate meetings with CAAS and POAS managers to discuss Selection Out-Counseling reports and dashboards.
  • Assist with Cloud Migration.
  • Continue to develop BLC template.


Legacy problems with server latency continue to exist.   Horizon Technical Advisors and the G6 have identified the root cause – replication of the database to a reporting server database. G6 is developing short-term solutions, while  the Horizon rep continues to maintain operations by manually turn off the processing of variable data during the replication period.

Follow-on meetings, testing and development of COAs continue. Based on initial discussions, the Horizon team is drafting short term fixes until a permanent solution has been identified.

Will continue to monitor and address issue.

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $439,997.96 of $779,991.96

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,483 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 48 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • Worked on SFMS and SOCM templates
  • Continue to refine Start/Stop rosters for the SWCS G37
  • Worked on BLC template refinement.
  • Distributed GideonSoft Customer Survey.
  • Continued work on Cloud migration.
  • Psych data integration.
  • CA PH 1 survey and spreadsheet re-build and update.
  • Working on 18C update request
  • Working on 18D Peer Ranking adjustments + report
  • On-site team continues to create “How to Videos.”
  • Continued building the Special Warfare Psyop’s template,
  • Continued implementation of  new fields and Status Tags to the Student Management Module.

Upcoming Month Activities


  • Uploading database for the cloud
  • Tim transitioning to telework
  • 05 Dec PM meeting in Raleigh
  • Prepping sandbox with replica module for 18E training 04 JAN
  • LREC Training
  • BLC template demo/validation (time TBD, waiting on reply)
  • 18C updates (waiting on criteria)


Legacy problems with server latency continue to exist.   Horizon Technical Advisors and the G6 have identified the root cause – replication of the database to a reporting server database. G6 is developing short-term solutions, while  the Horizon rep continues to maintain operations by manually turn off the processing of variable data during the replication period.

Follow-on meetings, testing and development of COAs continue. Based on initial discussions, the Horizon team is drafting short term fixes until a permanent solution has been identified.

Will continue to monitor and address issue.

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $479,996.9 of $779,991.96

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,053 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 48 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • Continued to work cloud migration errors with G6.
  • Continued working on issues with stand-alone systems at Camp Mackall.
  • Continued development of SOP for In-processing students.
  • Continued to develop SUT report updates and conduct testing of new release.
  • Meetings confirmed with SERE committee for process development.
  • Continued testing email subscription feasibility for G-37.
  • Continued to develop course check in schedule for 2024.

Upcoming Month Activities

  • Configure Sluss Tiller changes based on ISAP.
  • Refine 38 Phase 2 based on new ISAP.
  • Refine 37A/37F based on feedback from implementation.
  • Build and configure additional modules (standing by G35 intro).
  • Submit incremental upgrades to 3.223 for testing and install (as required).
  • Support troubleshooting root cause of server latency (see issue below).


Server latency contributes to numerous user issues.  We have assessed that it is not a software issue, but likely a hosted environment issue experienced on the SIE.  Onsite GideonSoft Admin submitted a trouble ticket to the SOCOM helpdesk.  Horizon is troubleshooting with MARSOC by installing a new web app in a different environment and will share results/feedback with SWCS/USASOC G6.

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $519,996.92 of $779,991.96

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,053 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 48 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • Collaboration on new feature to restrict unit access in Persistent module as well as updated role permission set.
  • Developed change alert roster/data driven subscription which is being tested within the G-37 for 38 PH II.
  • Continued to work cloud migration errors with G6.
  • Working with G1 to reconcile their IPSSA roster with our GideonSoft roster.
  • Created/Implemented JIRA Ticket tracker for all SWCS tickets on Teams.
  • Initial discussion about developing a CCC grading curve.
  • Updated POAS Peer rankings, candidate packet, and course statistics.
  • Continued development of SOP for In-processing students.
  • 18 series RFI for 4th Bn A-co commander & S3 which looks at graduation percentages of each MOS through their pipeline.
  • Continued to develop course check in schedule for 2024.

Upcoming Month Activities

  • Preparation for training course with Data Literacy team.
  • COntinued development and testing of QR code in-processing with 4th BN.
  • Civil Affairs TDD Meeting.
  • LREC/SAM discussion with G3 as to what SWCS policies are in place and needed concerning LREC student tracking,
  • Refine 38 Phase 2 based on new ISAP.
  • Refine 37A/37F based on feedback from implementation.
  • Support troubleshooting root cause of server latency (see issue below).


Server latency contributes to numerous user issues.  We have assessed that it is not a software issue, but likely a hosted environment issue experienced on the SIE.  Onsite GideonSoft Admin submitted a trouble ticket to the SOCOM helpdesk.  Horizon is troubleshooting with MARSOC by installing a new web app in a different environment and will share results/feedback with SWCS/USASOC G6.

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $559,996.85 of $779,991.96

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,426 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 48 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • ISAP change management process and development with Civil Affairs Training Development Division.
  • Meeting with Mrs. Guinn and Mike Chidsey to discuss feasibility of tapping PowerBi directly into GideonSoft as opposed to the data warehouse.
  • Initial development for change request and account request SOPs.
  • Moved three (3) high priority work requests into final (23.3) software release.
  • Continued to work cloud migration errors with G6.
  • Developing HPW persistent module. The Initial product is built, but we are now waiting for a follow-on meeting to discuss the next steps.
  • Developed in-processing QR code with Microsoft Forms to ease effort of S1s uploading students.
  • Updated scoring calculations for CCC student packet.
  • Conducted onboarding and training of new team member (Christian Smith).
  • Continued development of SOP for In-processing students.
  • Continued to develop course check in schedule for 2024.

Upcoming Month Activities

  • Course clean-up for CCC.
  • Continue to develop in-processing guide.
  • Continue development of training course with Data Literacy team.
  • Continue development of POQC student movement process.
  • Move Psych database to separate org/URL.
  • LREC/SAM discussion with G3 as to what SWCS policies are in place and needed concerning LREC student tracking,
  • Refine 38 Phase 2 based on new ISAP.
  • Refine 37A/37F based on feedback from implementation.
  • Prepare for meetings and testing with 1st BN and G35 regarding student counseling validation (e.g. CAC Card, etc.) and system latency in a remote (untethered) environment.


Decreased system performance has been attributed to server latency, software performance, usage during peak times, etc.  1st BN, G35, and Horizon analyst will meet in March to discuss system testing and analysis to accurately define and isolate the problem.  Horizon will conduct an additional analysis on a parallel system to inform and refine any requirements.

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $599,996.78 of $779,991.96

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,782 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 48 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • Developed and tested 18X student movement process.
  • Met with HPW to discuss end goals and develop milestones, and facilitated discussions with Horizon DNA team to identify and select tools for representing HPWs analysis.
  • Discussion with G3/7 and LREC to discuss current gaps.
  • Conducted 37A/F discovery meeting to include academics.
  • 3rd BN dashboard and the CCC course clean-up are both in development.
  • LREC is 40% complete with 2 of 5 modules verified.
  • POAS and CAAS survey re-design are 50% complete.
  • Continued development of SOP for In-processing students.
  • Continued to develop course check in schedule for 2024.

Upcoming Month Activities

  • POQC student movement process development.
  • Continue to develop in-processing guide.
  • Continuing to clarify requirements for 18C course refinement and 18E template rebuild.
  • Continue the development of mobile “how to” guide.
  • Move Psych database to separate org/URL.


Decreased system performance has been attributed to server latency, software performance, usage during peak times, etc.  1st BN, G35, and Horizon analyst will meet in March to discuss system testing and analysis to accurately define and isolate the problem.  Horizon will conduct an additional analysis on a parallel system to inform and refine any requirements.

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $639,996.71 of $779,991.96

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,228 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 48 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • G3 Synch to discuss Individual Student Assessment report and proposed change management process.
  • IT numbers reconciliation with ATRRS in preparation for our bi-weekly SMM synchs
  • Training plan development for instructors. TACs and S1s to follow
  • POOC course support/training.
  • OST course support/training.
  • New 18X student movement process completed successfully.
  • Developed Instructor training curriculum (SOP, P/E, Module).
  • Supported SLUSS TILLER Overlord training.
  • Facilitated variable processing troubleshooting with POAS course manager.
  • Updated SUT SEDF.
  • Assisted 38R/W PH I with survey completion.
  • Coached LREC Overlord on Student Management SOPs and features.
  • Developed EOCC comparison report for 38 PH II.
  • CA & LREC student movement process development.
  • Supported CCC – updated culture briefing score calculations.
  • 38R/S PH II ISAP review.

Upcoming Month Activities

  • Continued development of TAC and S1 training plan.
  • GideonSoft User manual tailored to SWCS.
  • GideonSoft User Training IAW 350-12.
  • Continue to track 18C course refinement.
  • Continue to track 18E template rebuild.
  • Begin SUT survey re-design and testing with course manager.
  • Develop the Mobile app how to guide.
  • Move Psych data base to separate org/URL.`


Horizon awaiting findings of system latency analysis conducted by 1st BN, G35 to determine what actions are required.

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $679,996.64 of $779,991.96

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,228 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 48 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • Completed the SUT Gradebook updates.
  • Conducted user training.
  • Created document library (Teams).
  • Developed process map and SOP for pulling Psych data.
  • Briefed an analytical dashboard for the SWCS G3 SGM.
  • Updated SUT’s graded patrol books.
  • Document all SWCS roles and their associated GideonSoft role/permission.
  • Started a new project to create a global report (MARSOC-like) showing a student’s history and performance evaluations (i.e., GPA, scores, observations, etc.).

Upcoming Month Activities

  • Move psych data base to separate org/URL.`
  • Enterprise level “Student Performance Report.”
  • Document all SWCS roles and their associated GideonSoft role/permission.
  • Continued refinement of TAC and S1 training plan.
  • GideonSoft User Training IAW 350-12.
  • Continue to track 18C course refinement.
  • Continue to track 18E template rebuild.
  • Begin SUT survey re-design and testing with course manager.
  • Develop the Mobile app how to guide.
  • Continue to develop more user manuals (i.e., Course Manager, G3/7, Staff and Command).


Horizon awaiting findings of system latency analysis conducted by 1st BN, G35 to determine what actions are required.

Overall Status

  • Project Progress
  • Billing Status $719,996.57 of $779,991.96

Software Activity

  • Licenses 4,261 of 5,000 available.
  • Modules 48 of 50 available.


YES - see below

Report Month Activities

  • Meetings with 18C regarding training and software modifications
    • Role cluster enhancement
    • PFT score calculations
    • Digitizing PIC
    • Re-designing Peer reports
  • Meeting with G6 regarding data archiving options.
  • Supported 18A as a liaison between HP Software Engineer and G6 for our emergency SQL patch Wednesday night.
  • Supported CCC with student access issues for their peers
  • Create a Qualification Course report.
  • Completed the SUT Gradebook updates.
  • Creating an analytical dashboard for Robin Sage.

Upcoming Month Activities

  • Coordinate meeting between SWCS G6 and MARSOC G6 to discuss Psych module database.
  • Re-designing CCC Peers to optimize performance and efficiency.
  • Conducting GideonSoft training with 5th BN
  • Move psych data base to separate org/URL.`
  • Enterprise level “Student Performance Report.”
  • Document all SWCS roles and their associated GideonSoft role/permission.
  • Continue to develop more user manuals (i.e., Course Manager, G3/7, Staff and Command).


Horizon awaiting findings of system latency analysis conducted by 1st BN, G35 to determine what actions are required.  Horizon will continue ongoing activities to improve system operation and user experience.